Wednesday, March 12, 2014

blog #1

Brittany Miller

Blog #1 – “The Fish”

            “The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop is a descriptive poem that illustrates the picture of Bishop catching a large fish, how repulsive it looked, and later throws this fish back in the sea. Although the words in her writing explain her fishing, I greatly believe that she’s trying to express something way deeper through both symbolism and imagery. Symbols and images are both used in Bishops work to make it visual, yet symbolize certain meanings. It depends on the reader’s perspective, in which they must draw their own conclusions on what these symbols and images mean.
            The fish is clearly what is being used as the symbolic center piece. “I looked into his eyes which were far larger than mine but shallower, and yellowed” (Lines 34-36). These three lines explain how she came face to face with something that she first thought as dominant to her, which is represented through her identifying how the fish’s eyes were bigger then hers.  She then realized she was had the superiority due to the recognition of how the fishes eyes were shallower and yellowed. “I caught a tremendous fish and held him beside the boat” (Lines 1 and 2); another example that represents this idea; She caught this huge fish in which she felt intimidated from its size, but realized she is in control as expressed in her holding him beside the boat.
            More importantly than symbols is the use of imagery in Bishops poem. The use of imagery in the poem is so important because that’s what we rely on in order to get the visual aspect so we can also recognize the symbols. “I thought of the coarse white flesh, packed in like feathers” (Lines 27/28). This gave us the image of the fish and his tough skin, yet also gentle as an animal that has feathers.

            As ive said, Symbols and images symbolize certain meanings. It depends on the reader’s perspective, in which they must draw their own conclusions on what these symbols and images mean. In Elizabeth Bishops “The Fish”, I believe the fish symbolized things she has come across her life that she felt intimidated by (shown by looking at the size of the fish), until she takes a closer look at it and realizes she’s superior (shown by her describing the flaws of the fish), and she controls the situation (shown by her throwing the fish back into the ocean). I also felt a sense of relief and happiness within her due to her painting us a picture of the rainbows that were “everywhere”.